Tel. 07 386 6667


Technology Websites

  • ALL ABOUT ENERGY - A great website explaining all things students should know about energy.
  • BP CHALLENGES ON STARTERS - Dozens of Free BP Challenges to download and use with your class.
  • BRAINPOP FOR EDUCATORS - Games, lesson plans about all aspects of the internet.
  • CURIOUS MINDS - Links to resources that support quality teaching, learning and assessment including a range of online and print resources and a list of organisations that provide educational programmes.
  • DESIGN A BRIDGE - Designing and building a bridge to withstand earthquakes is no easy challenge. Explore the science, technology and people involved in the bridge with these interactive learning modules and simulations!
  • EDUWEB (Technology) - Explore the technology of the world
  • HOW HELICOPTERS WORK - In this science/technology based web project, students learn how the blades of a helicopter provide lift.
  • HOW STUFF WORKS - The ultimate site for classroom reference for curious students (and curious teachers!). Hundreds and hundreds of simple explanations on virtually any topic you want.
  • HOW THINGS FLY - A delightful interactive animation teaching students about the forces of flight and how they must be in balance. Students use these learning to design their own planes.
  • KIDS DESIGN CHALLENGES - An educators guide to the theory of design and how to apply it in the classroom with fun and practical design challenges.
  • SATELLITE TRACKING - LIVE real time satellite tracking (over New Zealand) and predictions.
  • SENSIBLE SCREEN USAGE IN SCHOOLS - Developed for New Zealand schools, this 'must visit' website also provides recommendations for educators as well as strategies to share with parents who may have concerns.
  • SOLAR POWER & SOLAR ENERGY (VIDEO) - Solar Power – How it works video link.
  • TEACHING TECHNOLOGY ACROSS THE CURRICULUM - Extensive resources, videos and examples encouraging teaching technology across the curriculum.
  • TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING - Technology and Engineering teaching resources including design challenges for students.
  • TECHNOLOGY AND THE CURRICULUM - Dozens of examples and resources showing really effective examples of teaching technology as part of the curriculum.
  • TECHNOLOGY AT HOME - Everyday technology we use at home and when it was invented.