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We provide free limited access to our full lessons library to allow principals and teachers to view the full range of lessons available in each curriculum area for Years 1–4, Years 4–8+.

Each lesson in the library includes a brief descriptor of the purpose and scope of the lesson. Many descriptors indicate and are linked to supporting digital resources eg

Websites adding depth to the lesson.

Videos adding depth to the lesson.

Please note that only the first two or three lessons (and other selected lessons) in each curriculum area are able to be freely downloaded. Full access to download the over 3000 lessons is available by a yearly subscription purchased by individual schools and requires a valid: school details, email address and password.

Individual subscriptions are now available online for teachers and requires a personal/private email address – not a school email address.

For full access to our extensive lessons libraries subscribe to starters today using the subscriptions form on the left.


We welcome subscriptions from both overseas teachers and overseas schools. Simply email us at: and we will send you full details.